These monthly empowerment bible studies are open to, both, men and women and are designed to take each attendee’s life and relationship to the next level. During these sessions, we explore the scriptures of God in a very practical, power-packed, anointed way so as to uncover the secrets to “abundant-life living”. They are designed for, both, Christians and for non-Christians, alike. If you are interested in OR know someone who is interested in taking his or her life and/or relationships to the next level, you don’t want to miss these powerfully, anointed “Pay Your Soul” bible study sessions. They are taught by Minister Moten on a rotating basis with the “Pay Your Business/Ministry Sessions.”

These monthly “tailored-made” business/ministry enrichment sessions are open to, both, men and women and are designed to take each attendee’s business and/or ministry to the next level. During these sessions, we explore strategies and concepts to push each attendee’s organization to the cutting edge of its development! The sessions are conducted by Pastor Moten in her MBA/CPA role, as a professional business woman and as one experienced in doing full-time ministry. For many years, Pastor Moten worked as the Minister of Finance for what was (at that time) one of the fastest growing ministries in Austin, Texas. Over those years, she assisted that organization in establishing the necessary accounting foundation to position them to receive the needed funding for a major building and ministry outreach endeavor. The project, included, but was not limited to, constructing a 40,000 square-foot sanctuary, a huge gymnasium and a fully-equipped, on-site kitchen facility. Before establishing her own, private accounting/tax practice, she, also, worked in a number of highly responsible Corporate positions. These positions included that of being the CFO for an Economic Development Corporation, the Controller for a media development manufacturing firm, the Finance Director for an established non-profit organization, the Controller for a game development firm and the Business Manager for a 1,000-bed, privatized, corrections facility. Her experience covers the spectrum of financial statement preparation, individual & corporate taxation, cost accounting, project financing and business strategy development. Overall, she has more than 20 years of accounting/finance experience working with, both, “for-profit” organizations and non-profit organizations. In addition to her keen accounting/business savvy, Pastor Moten, has had the unique privilege of being “up close” and working in full-time ministry for a number of years. As such, she is well-acquainted with what it takes to do the “work of ministry”.

Truly, you don’t want to miss these hugely-impacting “Pay Your Business/Ministry” Sessions. These sessions are conducted on a rotating basis with the “Pay Your Soul Sessions.”

These specially-sponsored “didactic teaching sessions” are designed, exclusively, for those interested in “leading” the cause of “paying it forward.” In essence, these sessions are, specifically, for those who are serious about their life, their business, their education, their family, their job, their future, their ministry and their fellow-man. These sessions are conducted by various guest speakers, including, but not limited to, licensed experts in their field of disciple, skilled business men & women, anointed men & women of God and other experienced professionals in their field of study. Session content includes such things as;
- Making a Difference in the Lives of Others,
- Financial Planning,
- Eating Right,
- Prostate Cancer & Breast Cancer: The Importance of Screening & Early Detection,
- Counseling: It Could Mean the Difference Between Life & Death,
- Starting & Running a Small Business,
- My Children: How Do I Save Them From Early Childrearing, Drugs, Gangs, Sexually-Transmitted Diseases and/or Incarceration,
- Launching God-Inspired Ministry & Vision,
- Planning for Retirement,
- The Essentials of Good Parenting,
- Getting that Job/Promotion You’ve Always Wanted,
- Becoming & Staying Healthy,
- High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer in our Community,
- HIV & Aids: How to Save Loved Ones From It, Minister To & Embrace Those With It and Change the Stigmas & Stereotypes Assigned to It,
- Dealing with Grief & Loss,
- Legal Assistance: The ABCs of CPS and How to Prepare to Get your Children back,
- Writing a Will, and
- Much, much more….

This Is Me, Girl!” is a dynamic, faith-based support group designed to allow women the opportunity to share honestly and openly regarding the issues that are facing them in life. The group offers a safe, confidential environment for women to, both, ask for help, as well as, extend help to other sisters. Although the dialogue is sometimes controversial, it is always REAL, RAW & RELEVANT for the difficult journeys of life.

Vessels Igniting Communities to Overcome Restore and Succeed) – VICTORS is an outreach program designed to reach inner-city women and children through unconventional means, while, simultaneously, encouraging the women to be VICTORS not VICTIMS!!! VICTORS offers a number of life-changing classes to participants. Classes include, but are not limited to, Parenting, Well-Woman, Computer, Resume Writing, Business Start-Up, Interviewing and Dressing for Success.

This program is designed to provide a segue for those in need of counseling. Individuals seeking counseling are assisted in locating the professional help they need (and, in some cases, in paying for the needed help) without ever being made to feel ashamed and/or alienated.

This is a pilot program that is still in the infancy construction stages. Our goal with this program is to reunite separated families and bring mental wholeness to those who have been broken and devastated as a result of neglect, drugs, abuse and mental illness. Many families & children in such situations find themselves entangled in the web of Child Protective Services. Under the “Paying It Forward:
Mending Broken Families” program, we will measure the outcomes of the children and families we assist against those of other conventional State programs. In the beginning, each child will receive a Psychiatric evaluation to determine the services they need most. Overall, we will have a “wrap around” team such that every family coming thru our pilot program is evaluated by the team. The legal portion of the team will assess what legal things might interfere with the re-unification process of bringing the child back into the home and will, then, create a plan for addressing those issues. Social Workers will determine the social needs of family (i.e. food, clothing, shelter, parenting classes, etc.). Counselors will establish the mental health needs, substance abuse treatment needs (outpatient and inpatient), individual, family and/or marital counseling needs, as well as, other counseling needs. Physicians will resolve what medical needs are present. Educators will settle on the educational needs. The team will, then, put together an individual plan for the wholistic development of the family.

Do you have a burning biblical question that you would like to ask? Perhaps, you’ve been afraid to ask your question, out loud for fear of being judged? Maybe, you are just genuinely perplexed about a particular spiritual matter? If so, just “
Ask & You Shall Find”. Please note each question is kept in the strictest of confidence and that we, actually, seek God BEFORE responding. Ok, so, we’re waiting….
Submit Question
Please note that, although we are credentialed in our particular area of expertise, we are not Attorneys, Medical Doctors or Licensed Professional Counselors and make no assertions as such. Consequently, any advice given is, in that regard, considered recreational in nature.