Apostle Sheree Price

Apostle Sheree Price was commissioned an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ in March 2007. She is a “Prophetic Apostle” to the Body of Christ.

Apostle Sheree Price, and her husband, Prophet Michael A. Price, are the founders of International Anointed Ministries (I.A.M.). They are the Pastors of Gates Of Dominion (G.O.D.) Word Ministry International. Their Vision is to make Jesus real to the Nations; as they are building and raising up a massive apostolic and prophetic army for the universal Kingdom of God.

She is the wife of twenty-three years to the awesome Prophet Michael A. Price. She is the mother of five sons and one daughter. She and her husband are also blessed with two grandchildren and many, many Spiritual Sons and Daughters. She is a graduate of the University Of Illinois where she obtained her undergraduate degree in Sociology. She is well known as an “Apostle of Business”, because of her philanthropic and entrepreneurial acumen. She has helped to establish many successful businesses, including Little Blessings Childcare Center; Mission Of Restoration Enterprises (M.O.R.E), which includes non-profit transformational houses; and Radah, which is a land development company.

Apostle Sheree Price travels extensively around the world. God is using her to impart His spiritual life into the hearts of His people through anointed intercessory prayer, powerful preaching of the Word of God, true worship through sanctified singing, and many other spiritual gifts released in many conferences and revival services. She is being used of God to work with leaders from diverse cultures to plant active “Kingdom of God” churches and ministries in Uganda and Kenya East Africa, and God has opened even more doors of apostolic ministry to other nations as well.

Apostle Sheree is one of the Lord’s secret weapons in the body of Christ. She is beautiful, meek, quiet, and unassuming, but adorned with the ornaments of God’s favor and grace, which makes her powerful in worship, the word of God, intercessory prayer, and in spiritual warfare. Her goal is to manifest the power and love of God to His people, as she ministers across the globe to God’s chosen people, “the remnant”.

She is the founder of Women of Standard, and Daughters of Dominion. She has a mandate to teach and train God’s women to be standards of holiness and excellence in every arena of life. She hosts classes, workshops, seminars, and conferences to “build the whole Woman” according to Proverbs 31. She stresses the importance of Godly order to her husband, her family, her businesses, and her ministries. Her goal is to help God’s women embrace their divine purpose and destiny, and to be everything He has ordained them to be, because “nothing is impossible, to them that believe”.

Apostle Sheree has a very great passion for Outreach Ministry and Outdoor Evangelism. She faithfully goes to the streets and by-ways and compels men, women, boys and girls to come to Christ. She has an awesome “Night Club Ministry”, where she (and her team) ministers regularly, and they have witnessed such a great move of God’s Spirit in worldly establishments. She strongly believes in taking territory for Christ through active obedience and faith.

Apostle Sheree is an effectual, fervent, and righteous prayer warrior. She believes in the power of prophetic prayer and apostolic decrees and declarations. She has seen the manifest power of God flow through her life and ministry through gifts of miracles and healings, and as a result there are many documented cases/ testimonies of miracles; especially healings of terminal diseases and sicknesses. Her desire is to pray until the Kingdom of God is manifested on Earth, as it is in Heaven.