Minister Harris was just five years old when she embraced the Gospel message and decided that she had to have Jesus in her heart. This commitment and love only grew deeper and stronger over the years. Although she wasn’t able to read and understand the biblical text when she first gave her life to Christ at this very young age, she was, however, armed with 2 scriptures that her Sunday School Teacher had taught her and that she always referred to when challenged about her faith. It wasn’t until many years later, that she came to realize that those two scriptures (i.e. John 3:16 and John 14:6) actually represented the sum total of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Given how her own journey with God started at such an early age, Minister Harris has always had a heart and passion to ensure that the Gospel message was extended to children (regardless of their age and current ability to fully understand). As a result, throughout the years, God has used Minister Harris to establish a number of Children Ministries. Similarly, she has recently begun working on writing a number of plays and books for teens & children.
Minister Harris attended Southwest Texas State University where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Family & Child Development. She is a veteran of the armed services and retired from the US Air Force in November 2012, having served her country for almost 30 years. Minister Harris believes in and knows, first hand, of the power of prayer, having witnessed the miracles it has produced, both, in her own personal life and during her travels in Europe as a service woman. She now resides Cypress, TX with her 3 beautiful children.