To know Morgan you really just need to know who God is and then you will understand who she is because Morgan’s identity is endlessly intertwined with the fact that she belongs to Yaweh. For one to know her with the use of adjectives and literary description, Morgan is a lover of her Lord and People. This is seen through her devotion to the children she tutors, the characters she portrays on screen and to the random passerby who might need an extra hand carrying groceries. She grew up in church and began her relationship with God on July 13th during an encounter with the living God at Worship in the City, which is currently her home church. A year after her encounter with Holy Spirit she was freed from 5 years of bondage to drug and sex abuse. She has been free ever since and uses her freedom to disciple young adults, spend time sitting with her Father God getting to know him more and more, serving her family, friends and anyone in need, as well as working in the ever-growing film industry here in Austin. She partners with God to co-labor in his desire to “change the atmosphere of the screens.” During her walk with Yahweh, she has been called into a position as Prophetess with the sole mission to deliver his Word to whomever He desires to speak. She is newly wedded to her best friend, Michael Ross Scher III and they live with a wonderful married couple in Liberty Hill, Texas. Morgan will continue acting, writing and speaking for as long as she lives because when God gives her a “talent” she will not bury it, she will invest it to have more to give back when her Master returns.